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First Nations Launch


    • NASA Human Lander Challenge

      NASA’s 2025 HuLC competition asks undergraduate and graduate student teams to develop innovative, systems-level solutions to understand, mitigate potential problems, and mature advanced cryogenic fluid technologies that can be implemented within 3-5 years. Notice of Intent Submission Deadline: October 16, 2024.

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    • Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award Winners

      Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium announces the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award winners: Timothy Day and Ellyssa Purdy.

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Application Process

First Nations Launch Rocket Team Registration Process

Rocket Team Registration Instructions

To Register and Apply

The faculty advisor must first register with WSGC before students/team members register. One exception to the order of registration exists. If the student team lead has never registered with WSGC, he/she must register before the advisor begins the Notice of Intent (NOI).

Advisor Application Process

STEP 1: Advisors, Co-Advisors, and Team Members must each create a profile within the NASA STEM Gateway system if they do not have one already created. A walkthrough may be found here.

STEP 2: First-time users must register as faculty on the WSGC website. The registration and sign-in tab can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the website. 

STEP 2: Sign in to your WSGC account. Applicants will be prompted to update personal information annually (if previously registered).

STEP 3: Select Manage Applications.

STEP 4: Under Grant Application Forms, select Rocket Launch Team (Create an NOI).

STEP 5: Complete and submit the Rocket Launch Team (Create NOI) Grant Application Form. The following information/documents will be submitted during this step:

  • Other WSGC funding received
  • Team Name
  • Co-Advisor (if applicable)
  • Student Team Lead
  • Grants Officer (if applicable)
  • Industry, Tripoli, National Rocketry Association Mentor Name and Email
  • Competition (First Nations Mars Challenge, First Nations Moon Challenge, First Nations Gateway Challenge)
  • Team Members List
Team Application Process

AFTER the faculty advisor completes the Notice of Intent (NOI), each team member will need to:

STEP 1: Register as an undergraduate student on the WSGC website. The registration and sign-in tab can be found on the upper right-hand corner of the website.

STEP 2: Sign in to your WSGC account. Applicants will be prompted to update personal information annually (if previously registered).

STEP 3: Select Manage Applications.

STEP 4: Under Grant Application Forms, select the appropriate program (First Nations Rocket Launch Competition). The following information/documents will be submitted during this step:

  • Other WSGC funding received
  • Team Name submitted by the Faculty Advisor
  • Resume (Not applicable for First Nations Launch)
  • Prior Rocket Experience
  • Media Release
  • Individual W9 (First Nations Launch Advisors/Co-advisors Only)


Contact Us

Please direct questions about the First Nations Launch program to:

FNL Program Office
Carthage College
2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha, WI 53140
Phone: 262-551-6054

Rob Cannon
Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium
FNL Program Manager
Phone: 262-551-5727

First Nations Launch


    • NASA Human Lander Challenge

      NASA’s 2025 HuLC competition asks undergraduate and graduate student teams to develop innovative, systems-level solutions to understand, mitigate potential problems, and mature advanced cryogenic fluid technologies that can be implemented within 3-5 years. Notice of Intent Submission Deadline: October 16, 2024.

      More >

    • Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award Winners

      Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium announces the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award winners: Timothy Day and Ellyssa Purdy.

      More >

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