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The Office of Marketing and Communications publishes student achievements such as the Dean’s List, J-Term study tour participants, and other activities throughout the school year on Merit Pages.

We’ve created a Merit Page for you. Look for an email with information on claiming your Merit Page. You can personalize your page with photos, academic and extracurricular activities, and work experience.

Opt Out — You can opt out of Merit before ever making it into one of our achievements or press releases. If you do not want your achievements shared through Merit Pages, you may opt out at any time using the link in the footer.

Private PagesYou can make your Merit Page private. Students who choose to have a private Merit Page will not have their page indexed by search engines and their page will only be discoverable through a direct link.

Visit Carthage’s Merit Page

Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:

Office of Marketing and Communications

For more information, contact:

Julie Thomas: