Bill Price
Bill Price
Class Year
Current home
Maple Grove, MN
Social Science
Current Position
President/CEO at Reata Funding LLC
With the help of his Carthage education, Bill Price ’75 is the president and CEO of Reata Funding LLC. In 1999, Mr. Price got certified as a diversified cash flow specialist, using those skills to expand the company from the state of Minnesota to the world. Over the past 25 years, he has helped the business grow exponentially as they offer new financial services and products.
How has your liberal arts education benefitted you?
“While attending Carthage, being able to see the big picture has helped me immensely in my overall decision-making.”
What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?
“Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree back in 1975, the world opened up for me as a new college graduate, enabling me to pick and choose what field(s) I wanted to pursue in my professional career.”
What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?
“Professor Clayton Diskerud was my advisor while attending Carthage and as a fellow Minnesotan, Prof. Diskerud was highly instrumental in enabling me to graduate from Carthage and pursue my post college professional interests.”
What role have the values in Carthage's mission, "Seeking Truth, Building Strength, Inspiring Service — Together" played in your life?
“We all must seek the truth and be the very best person that we can be going forward.”
What's your favorite Carthage memory?
“My fraternity, Tau Sigma Phi, was a huge favorite memory of mine. Being part of a great group of guys who also loved the Greek system was an incredible experience for me. As well, I enjoyed the smaller sized classes and the wonderful professors who instructed me during my four years at Carthage. Finally, the beauty of the campus located right on Lake Michigan was a huge factor in me selecting Carthage as the place I wanted to go to earn my degree.”
Tips for current Carthage students?
“Be committed to your goal of graduating from Carthage. Self discipline is also very critical to your overall success in life.”